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Christina Merl - die schoene Seele Sketch ink on paper 2024.jpg


We target organisations, leaders, teams, and individuals across cultures and disciplines who want to develop and practice future skills. With the art-inspired, tool supported 2CG® approach, we help you unlock your full creative potential, accelerate transformation processes, and effect real change. 

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Look, a butterfly.

Did you make a wish?


(Louise Glueck)

Continually Enhanced with International Experts and Artists

Poetry in Business /2CG® is continually advanced and enhanced with a team of researchers, subject matter experts, engineers, artists, philosophers, and - most importantly - users, who all share a passion: co-creating a human-centered world and making people, organisations, societies, products, and services future-fit. 

Make yourself and your team fit for the future! Build 21st century skills and accelerate (business) transformation with the tool-supported, science-backed, and practice-proven 2CG® method.

We are dedicated to supporting you in accelerating transformation processes and developing 21st century skills across hierarchies, cultures, and disciplines. With the award-winning 2CG® multi-method approach, we offer you a new way to build and practice future skills, unleash the creative potential of your people and your organisation, and effect real change.


We Make 21st Century Skills Training Worth Your While

We are a politically independent, non-for-profit initiative and co-develop and deliver 21st century skills curricula and workshops with the award-winning 2CG® method. The multi-method approach is practice proven and grounded in social learning theory, polyphonic storytelling, and co-creation processes in communities of practice (CoP). Users and customers particularly enjoy and benefit from the inspirational artistic input that we use to make leaders as well as their teams and individuals future-fit. We design learning experiences that help them to better understand complex issues; (re-)define their purpose; and explore new ways of thinking and doing. Most importantly, we measure progress through change effected in the real world. Our initiatives and concepts have been implemented with real people across the globe.

TalkShop Cross-cultural Lounge

Deep Talk

Deep Talk ist das High-Performance Kommunikations-Konzept von TalkShop/2CG® - a conversational format that invites you to open up and listen, share your thoughts, and shift perspective in a trustful and respectful atmosphere. 

Christina Merl - Profiles

Lab 21
Thought Space

Lab 21 ist ein transdisziplinärer Freiraum für Gedanken-Experimente, polyglotte Dialoge und polyphone Geschichten. In this transdisciplinary space we'll provide you with the inspirational input so that you can come up with great ideas.

Wellbeing Garden - Poetry in Business

Poetry & Qigong Personal Training

Poetry & Qigong ist ein hoch wirksames Wellbeing-Programm für Körper und Geist. Wir finden innere Ruhe und aktivieren dabei unsere individuelle und kollektive Kreativ-Kraft. We connect body, mind, and spirit to find inner balance.

Christina Merls Writing Club

mit genAI

Schreiben ist ein kreativer Akt. Dabei werden Struktur, Wortwahl und Tonalität im digitalen Zeitalter immer wichtiger. Writing requires thinking and is a creative act that helps us understand complex issues and benefit from genAI.


We believe that the real driving force behind successful transformation in the era of digitalisation is the way we re-think, re-imagine, and re-organise our work and collaboration at micro level. Leaders are challenged to make sure that their organisations and businesses are able to 1.) disrupt themselves through innovation (and thus avoid being disrupted by others) and to 2.) ensure that relevant implementation processes are in place. Find a few stories of our numerous successfully implemented projects below.

Our Stories


1190 Vienna, Austria


Poetry in Business is an independent non-profit organisation that aims to support organisations, leaders, teams, and individuals who want to acquire future skills, ponder new possibilities, speed up their imaginative processes, effect real change and build human visions for business and private life, in considered and responsive ways. We apply the multi-modular 2CG® approach. ZVR: 1173520081

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